I really enjoy Edition Bessard´s publications. And I miss the small series with a print, among them there is a kind of preview of Robin Hammonds book My Lagos.
Lagos is home to the richest people in the richest country in sub-Saharan Africa (with a GDP of over 500 billion dollars), but the riches have hardly trickled down, it is also one of the most unequal cities in the world (ranked in the top three most unequal for income earned). The huge numbers of poor eking out a living here have reportedly made this the 4th worst place to live in the world. But Lagos is seeing a rapidly rising middle class and this city of enormous contrasts is fast becoming internationally known as Africa’s hub of creativity, fashion and business. Photo Robin Hammond/Panos
about the Joan Blog: This blog is about things I own, or rather things that I have at home that might be interesting. I work as a copywriter but pictures occupy a large part of my life. As photography hanging on the walls, at museums and galleries and in my ever-growing collection of photography books. And all the pictures I take myself. It´s pictures that I intend to show here, too. Den här bloggen handlar om allt jag äger, eller rättare sagt sådant som jag har hemma som kan vara intressant, på något sätt eller högst personligt. Jag är förvisso copywriter men bilder upptar en stor del av mitt liv. I form av fotografi som hänger på väggarna, som man kan se på museer och gallerier och som finns i min ständigt växande samling av fotoböcker. Och dem jag tar själv. De bilderna tänker jag visa här också. Jag äger ju bilderna. Däremot finns inte motiven kvar i verkligheten.
HERE THE LINK: http://johanbrink.blogspot.jp/2017/01/16-from-16-best-photo-books-from-last.html?view=classic