Chen Jiagang – Sample Room
In front of the photos FOLLOWING the framed ones, a crystal sheet of paper (In fact what we finally chose is rice paper, very pleasant with touched and has to hear.)
Total of paper rice pages: 41
editionsbessard:Zine Collection …
Zine Collection #8 is printing now, PDF for the printer: “My Dreamed Stream” by the Chinese artist Wei Bi, Zine Collection #8 a limited and numeroted edition of 200 copies with a Signed picture by the artist Wei Bi on gelatin silver print on Kodak paper, printed by Thierry Decoster of the photographic laboratory Picto Bastille.
The Robert Frank Collection …
The Robert Frank Collection
Finding Robert Frank, Online …
The Selfeet: Zine Collection #21 …
The Selfeet: Zine Collection #21 by the French/British artist Lucie Beudet. A limited edition of 300 copies with a signed picture by the artist on
gelatin silver print on Kodak paper printed by the photographic
laboratory Picto Bastille in Paris. Available here
How a little library in rural …
How a little library in rural China won a $100,000 Canadian architecture prize
The Rise of Chinese Video Art | …
The Rise of Chinese Video Art | Top 10 Artists to Watch
Thank you Daniel Boetker-Smith …
Thank you Daniel Boetker-Smith for choosing my “Kolkata” as one of your favorite books of the year for VOP! 關於本期 ABOUT : This issue of VOP pays tribute to artist Chen Shun-Chu.
The Ultimate List of 2014 Best …
The Ultimate List of 2014 Best Photobooks by photobook collector Olga Yatskevich Trepat by Joan Fontcuberta
“In 1914, industrialist Josep Galceran Trepat created an industry for the production of agricultural machinery that would become one of the economic driving forces of Spain during the twentieth century. Cultivated man, attentive to the dynamics of the art of his time, Mr. Trepat commissioned to some of the great masters of international photography for advertising and corporate image of his company. Curated by Joan Fontcuberta, a creator himself but also a historian and author of several works on the history of Spanish photography.”
#TheSelfeet A series of …
A series of self-portraits about the ridiculous practice of narcissism on the Internet by @Lucie Beudet.
Social network feeds and our lives have been invaded by selfies.
This topic has been mentioned more than 92 million time on Twitter in 2014.
A narcissistic, self-centred, symbol of the “look at me, like me” trend.
Artists, Politics, models…. Everyone is concerned by the “self-portrait” phenomenon.
By releasing #TheSelfeet, a compilation of her feet photos, describing her everyday tribulations, Lucie Beudet proposes her own pop, experimental and provocative interpretation of the digital trend.
This “photo-biographic” project drew the attention of a Pierre Bessard from the prestigious Bessard editions. He proposed Lucie Beudet publish her photos in Zine photo series, where famous photographers as Cristina De Middel, Brian Griffin, Max Pam or Bernard Plossu were published before her. Enthusiastic about the project, he explains that Lucie, “particularly understood this new global photography trend: modern and fashion. She managed to have an aesthetic photographic project, stuck in reality at the same time”.
#The Selfeet plays with lines, proportion and graphic effects but denounces also the one-upmanship “of the self”.
With her creative project, Lucie Beudet wants to make us think about the way we digitally brand ourselves.
#TheSelfeet une série …
une série d’autoportraits sur le narcissisme quotidien des réseaux sociaux vu par Lucie Beudet.
Le « selfie » a envahi nos vies et nos feeds sur les réseaux sociaux.
Le topic a été mentionné plus de 92 millions de fois sur Twitter en 2014.
Narcissique, auto-centré, révélateur du « regardez-moi, likez-moi ».
Chanteurs, politiques, mannequins,… Personne n’est épargné par le phénomène « auto-portrait ».
En proposant #TheSelfeet, un recueil de photos de ses pieds, ou le récit photographique de ses tribulations quotidiennes, Lucie Beudet réinterprète cette tendance digitale en proposant une version pop, décalée et provocante.
Cette version « photobiographique » a interpellé Pierre Bessard des prestigieuses éditions du même nom. Il propose alors à Lucie Beudet d’éditer ses photos sur la Zine Collection qui a déjà mis à l’honneur des photographes comme Cristina De Middel, Brian Griffin, Max Pam ou encore Bernard Plossu.
Séduit par le concept de Lucie, il explique que celle-ci « a parfaitement saisi cette nouvelle tendance globale de la photographie, moderne et dans l’air du temps. Le projet réussit le défi d’être à la fois esthétique et ancré dans la réalité ». Le projet est certes esthétique, tant sur la recherche de jeux graphiques, de lignes et de proportions, mais il dénonce aussi à sa manière cette surenchère du Moi.
Une façon créative de nous faire réfléchir aussi à notre propre rapport à notre image « numérique ».
A photobook to come! Hester …
A photobook to come! Hester Scheurwater (1971) studied monumental art at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague. Under the guise of self-portraits, she investigates and critiques the role of women as a sex object. Photographs of herself posing before a mirror reflects both Scheurwater’s inner thoughts and outward appearance. “The mirrored self-images are my way of reacting on the imitated and fake media images, which are constantly calling upon our imagination, without intending to be taken too seriously, ” she explains. “ I try to deconstruct this call’s effect with my reactions by switching the ‘subject-object’ relationship, without being victimised by it.” Scheurwater’s work is well known for its sexual explicitness. Scheurwater also teaches video art at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague.