Opening | 11 December 2015 | 17.00 – 21.00 uur
Galerie Frank Taal | Solo Hester Scheurwater
All I Ever Wanted
Nieuwste boek All I Ever Wanted gepubliceerd door Editions Bessard
Na de boekpresentatie en lancering van All I Ever Wanted in Rencontres Arles, en op de Fotofever Photograpy Art Fair in het Carrousel du Louvre, Frankrijk is dit de Nederlandse boeklancering. Hester Scheurwater signeert boeken op de opening in galerie Frank Taal.
All I Ever Wanted van Hester Scheurwater
uitgeverij Éditions Bessard Parijs
Limited Edition oplage van 500
€ 75,-
11.12.2015 – 29.01.2015
private viewing 10 december 2015 16.00 – 19.30 uur
Frank Taal heet u van harte welkom op vrijdag 11 december om 17.00 uur op de opening van All I Ever Wanted | Solo van Hester Scheurwater in Galerie Frank Taal.
Na de boekpresentatie afgelopen juni in Rencontres Arles Frankrijk en na de (roerige) presentatie op de Fotofever in het Carroussel du Louvre Paris wordt het werk en het boek nu gepresenteerd in Galerie Frank Taal.
Loring Knoblauch about the book:
“While this photobook may be more sexually explicit than some readers will be comfortable with, it’s a natural extension of Kim Kardashian’s Selfish, but seen with the acerbic and questioning eye of an artist. She’s hyperbolized and hypercharged the kind of female objectification and fake identity we have become accustomed to seeing, and yet it somehow passes for almost normal; its satire is so convincing that it persuasively stands in for the real thing, and that dissonance is powerful. For those who have been waiting for a photographer to critically engage the wider phenomenon of the selfie, Scheurwater’s bluntly audacious photobook is memorably biting. She’s given us the mannered freedom and sexiness we’re supposed to want (or want to be), incisively exposing the two poles of exhibitionism and voyeurism that now dominate the Facebook-age.”
From the review by Loring Knoblaub for Collector Daily
You are very welcome to the opening friday 11 december at 17.00 at Frank Taal Galerie Rotterdam for the solo show All I Ever Wanted | Hester Scheurwater.
During Les Rencontres d’Arles, last June I presented my newest photobook All I Ever Wanted, published by Editions Bessard, Half november the work was shown at Fotofever Paris . Both a selection from the book and other work were exhibited in the Carroussel du Louvre Paris. Now the work will be presented at Galerie Frank Taal,
Galerie Frank Taal
Van Speykstraat 129
3014 VH Rotterdam
T +3110 436 63 33
M Frank Taal +316 41400927
M Leo de Bie +316 30175783
[email protected]
[email protected]
open wo–vrij 12.00 tot 18.00 uur
Zaterdag en elke laatste zondag van de maand 13.00 tot 17.00 uur en op afspraak
Niet op zondag geopend tussen exposities
Galerie Frank Taal is een geregistreerde handelsnaam van vof De Kunstsuper KvK24384089